Installing ClockWorkMod Custom Recovery on LG Optimus Net P690 will help you to install Custom ROM’s and other apps. Here is a guide to install ClockWorkMod Custom Recovery in LG Optimus Net P690.

- We are not responsible for any damages that may happened due to using this guide to root your phone. If any problem happened that related to rooting instructions, we will help you to solve it.
- Use this guide at your own risk. We shall not have any liability or responsibility for whatever happens to you and your device by using the instructions in this guide.
- The instructions provided in this tutorial for educational purpose only. There is no guarantee that these steps will work for your device.
- The steps given in this tutorial is only to use with LG Optimus Net. And the model number P690. Applying this guide to any other device or any other model may produce many problems.
- Read and Understand the whole tutorial first, before going to perform the steps.
How to Install ClockworkMod Recovery on LG Optimus Net P690 -
- The ClockWorkMod Recovery app need a root access. So, first you need root your phone. Check this – How to Root LG Optimus Net P690
- Then install the ROM Manager app from Google Play Store in your phone – here
- Then enable USB Debugging via Settings > Applications > Development > USB debugging
- After all the above steps done, open the ROM Manager app in your mobile app list
- Now click the “Flash ClockworkMod Recovery“. This process will download the ROM from ClockWorkMod. So, you need to enable wifi or internet.
- After clicking the button, it will ask you to choose your phone model. Just select your phone model from the given list. After a few minutes the ROM will be downloaded. And then reboot your phone.
- Now you have installed ClockworkMod custom Recovery on your LG Optimus Net P690.
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