Last week one alleged image of upcoming LG Optimus L9 II was surfaced online with upcoming LG Optimus G2, and today TechTastic have posted one more image of Optimus L9 II which shows some changes in camera position. LG Optimus L9 II is LG's upcoming mid-range handset, which will join company's newly announced L-Style II series.
When compared both the images, it was clear that, the device in this new leaked image is the same device which was spotted a week ago.
To remind you all, LG Optimus L9 II might feature 4.7-inch IPS HD 1280x720p resolution display, Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean, 1.4GHz Dual-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 Processor, 1GB RAM and Adreno 305 Graphics.