Micromax is ready to launch two more Android smartphones in India in the coming days. Dubbed as Micromax Canvas Turbo Mini and Micromax A075 (name unknown), the smartphones are found listed on online retailer Flipkart and HomeShop18. The Canvas Turbo Mini comes in white and blue colours and is priced at Rs. 14,490, and the Micromax A075 is priced at Rs. 6,499.
The Canvas Turbo Mini is now available from Flipkart for purchase for Rs. 14,490 in blue colour only, whereas the Micromax A075 is listed on HomeShop18 as out of stock.
Specifications-wise, Micromax Canvas Turbo Mini comes with a 4.69-inch HD IPS display, 1.3GHz quad-core processor, 1GB RAM, Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, dual-SIM support, 8MP rear camera with LED flash, 5MP front facing camera, 4GB internal storage with up to 32GB supported microSD card slot and 1,800 mAh battery.
On the other hand, the Micromax A075 comes with a 5.2-inch WVGA display, 1.2GHz dual-core processor, 512MB RAM, Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS), dual-SIM support, 8MP rear camera with LED flash, 0.3MP (VGA) front facing camera, 4GB internal storage with 32GB expandable using microSD card and 2,200 mAh battery with 3G support.