Toshiba announced the World's Thinnest 13MP CMOS Camera Sensor. This Camera Sensor is just 4.7mm-thick in size which is 1/3-inch. This Camera Sensor is specially designed for Smartphones & Tablets. This will make the Smartphone & Tablets even more Slimmer.
“The circuit Compensates for the distortion of the Lenses and conducts the restoration of resolution (MTF: Modulation Transfer Function) for the peripheral area of an image”, According to Tech-On.
To reduce the thickness, Toshiba also used a Flip Chip Structure in place of wire bonded structure. This makes this Camera Module even more Slimmer than any other Camera Module. This "TCM9930MD" is the next future of cameras. Soon, we can see even more slimmer devices with 13MP Camera on it.
Toshiba will begin the shipping of this camera module in may to all the Smartphones Manufacturers. We, doubt if HTC will use this module or not. Because HTC is busy making their own Ultrapixel Lens, which we can see on their Flagship Device "HTC One". The actual production of this module will start from December. Toshiba has planned to make 1 Million camera modules per month from December 2013.
One of these module will cost 7,000 Yen which is approx $74 and approx Rs. 4,000.