Samsung has officially launched their Galaxy Mega series smartphones in Indian Market recently. Carrying the massive display size of 5.8-inch and 6.3-inch, the devices were originally announced last month. The phablets are targeted to the consumers who need huge size smartphone for daily use. Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 is launched for Rs. 25,100, whereas Galaxy Mega 6.3 is launched for Rs. 31,490.
Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 is stuffed with 5.8-inch qHD TFT Display having 960x540p resolution, 1.4GHz Dual-Core Processor, Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean, 1.5GB RAM, 8GB internal memory which 64GB expandable memory using microSD Card.
Specs & Features of Mega 5.8 -
- Display -
- Screen - 5.8-inch qHD TFT
- Resolution - 960x540p
- Thickness - 9mm
- Weigh - 182g
- Processor - 1.4GHz Dual-Core
- RAM - 1.5GB
- Android OS - 4.2.2 Jelly Bean
- Camera -
- Rear - 8MP Auto-Focus with LED Flash
- Front - 1.9MP
- Storage - 8GB internal, expandable till 64GB via microSD Card
- Battery - 2300mAh
- Additional Features - 3G, HSPA+21Mbps, Wi-Fi a/b/g/n, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS+GLONASS, Dual-SIM Support, Dual-Standby, Dual-SIM Always On
Other features include 8MP LED Flash rear camera with 1.9MP front-facing camera, 2600mAh Battery, 3G, HSPA+21Mbps, Wi-Fi a/b/g/n, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS+GLONASS. The device is 9mm thick and weighs only 182g. Samsung has also added dual-SIM support with dual-Standby and dual-SIM Always On feature that enables the user to receive calls on one SIM number while taking a call from the other.
Coming to Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3, the device has a 6.3-inch HD TFT Display having 1280x720p resolution, 1.7GHz Dual-Core Processor, Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean, 1.5GB RAM, 16GB internal memory which is expandable upto 64GB using microSD Card.
Specs & Features of Mega 5.8 -
- Display -
- Screen - 6.3-inch HD TFT
- Resolution - 1280x720p
- Thickness - 7.9mm
- Weigh - 199g
- Processor - 1.7GHz Dual-Core
- RAM - 1.5GB
- Android OS - 4.2.2 Jelly Bean
- Camera -
- Rear - 8MP Auto-Focus with LED Flash
- Front - 1.9MP
- Storage - 8GB internal, expandable till 64GB via microSD Card
- Battery - 3200mAh
- Additional Features - 3G, HSPA+21Mbps, Wi-Fi a/b/g/n, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS+GLONASS, NFC, MHL
Some common features on both these phablets are, Group Play, Samsung Link, Samsung WatchON, S Translator, Story Album, Air View, Sound & Shot, S Travel, Samsung Link, Multi Window, Pop Up Play and ChatON.