The newly launched Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom is up for pre-order in India for a price tag of Rs. 29,390. The smartphone is official priced for Rs. 29,990 and is up for pre-order on Official Samsung India eStore for Rs. 29,390. Currently, only Samsung India eStore and Flipkart are taking away the pre-orders, whereas Saholic has listed the phone as coming soon. The smartphone was originally announced back in June and was showed off at Samsung PREMIERE 2013 in London. As per Samsung, the smartphone will be available till end of July.
Other features include, 8GB internal storage, which can be expanded till 64GB via microSD Card, 2330mAh Battery and 16MP rear camera with 10x Optical Zoom and OIS, 24-240mm, F3.1-F6.3 with 1.9MP front facing camera.
Samsung has also included 25 New Smart Modes on the Camera of Galaxy S4 Zoom which include the following - Smart mode suggest, Beauty Face, Best Photo, Continuous shot, Best face, Kids shot, Landscape, Dawn, Snow, Macro, Food, Party/Indoor, Action Freeze, Rich Tone (HDR), Panorama, Waterfall, Animated Photo (.gif), Drama, Eraser, Sound & Shot, Silhouette, Sunset, Night, Fireworks and Light Trace.