Yesterday, Google's Eric gave the clearest look of the upcoming Moto X with textured back, and some new images have hit the web which shows off the Verizon's Moto X with LTE support and stock Android with some unexpected UI changes. In addition, Taylor Wimberly (Android and Me founder) is reporting that, there's going to be several material options for the back cover of Moto X, which include Wood, Metal, Ceramic and Plastic.
The soft-keys on the home screen are semi-transparent, this could be the Motorola Software customization or the upcoming Android 4.3 with new look for the stock launcher. In addition, PhoneArena has leaked the Verizon road map which shows the device to launch on 23rd August on Verizon, pointing towards early official announcement.
Coming to Wimberly, he is reporting that users will be able to customize the back panel of Moto X with several materials like, Wood, Metal, Plastic, Ceramic and Fabric. In which, Wood and Plastic will be available at the time of launch, while the other options will go live after 23rd August Verizon release.
Wimberly is also reporting that US telecom operator AT&T has some kind of "exclusive" thing for the Moto X launch, it may be an exclusive material or colour or something else completely different.
Souce - AndroidCentral, PhoneArena & Taylor Wimberly