The final accessory which Sony has launched in India recently is the Sony's Lens-style cameras. In addition to the new Xperia Z1 and SmartWatch 2, Sony has also launched two new camera lenses for the smartphones, DSC-QX10 and DSC-QX100. Both these lenses were originally announced at IFA 2013 earlier this month. These lenses can be connected to any Android and iOS devices via Wi-Fi and using the Sony's PlayMemories Mobile application the user can capture images easily.
Both the lens cameras can be easily connected using Wi-Fi to smartphones, converting the phone's screen into a real-time viewfinder. Using Sony's PlayMemories Mobile app, users can release the shutter, start/stop movie recordings, and adjust common photographic settings like shooting mode, zoom, Auto Focus and more on these lens cameras.
The DSC-QX10 and DSC-QX100 lens cameras can be easily handled anywhere, and can be attached to any smartphones using mechanically adjustable adapter or even mounted to a tripod.
In the specifications part, Sony DSC-QX10 feature an 1/2.3-inch 18.2MP Exmor R CMOS sensor capable of 10x optical zoom with Steady Shot image stabilization. Sony QX10 comes with Sony G lens, BIONZ image processor, and f3.3 aperture. The QX10 is incredibly portable, weighing only 105 grams and has 16GB of internal storage in it, with expandable 64GB using microSD card and 630 mAh Sony NP-BN rechargeable battery.
On the other hand, the Sony DSC-QX100 features a high-quality 1.0-inch 20.2MP Exmor R CMOS sensor. The sensor has been combined with a wide-aperture Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T lens with 3.6x optical zoom, powerful BIONZ image processor and f1.8 aperture. The QX100 weighs only 179 grams and comes with 16GB internal storage with 64GB expandable memory via microSD card and 630 mAh battery.