Micromax is soon going to launch another budget Android smartphone in India. Dubbed as Micromax Bolt A58, the smartphone is already available at online retailer Saholic for sale for Rs. 5,499. The Bolt A58 will join company's already available Bolt A40 and A67 smartphones. The smartphone is also listed on official Micromax website, and will be available in midnight black or raging red colours.
Micromax Bolt A58 comes with a 3.5-inch display, 1GHz dual-core MediaTek 6572M processor, Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean, 512MB RAM and dual-SIM support (GSM+GSM) with dual standby feature.
Other specifications include, 2MP fixed focus rear camera, 3G support, 512MB internal memory (in which 90MB user available), with 32GB expandable using microSD card and 1,200 mAh battery. The smartphone also comes pre-loaded with few popular applications like, Hike, Kingsoft Office and Opera.