Sony is soon going to launch a new budget-Android smartphone in India. Dubbed as Sony Xperia C, the smartphone is now available in India for pre-order for Rs. 20,490. Currently online retailers, Flipkart, Saholic and Infibeam has started taking the pre-orders of Xperia C in India, and according to them the box price of Xperia C is Rs. 21,490.
Coming to the specifications, Sony Xperia C comes with a 5-inch qHD display, 1.2GHz Quad-Core MediaTek MT6589 processor, 1GB RAM and Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. The device is 8.88mm thick and weighs 153 grams.
Other specifications include, 8MP rear camera with LED Flash & Exmor R sensor along with 0.3MP (VGA) front facing camera, 4GB internal memory with 32GB expandable using microSD card and 2,330 mAh battery. The smartphone has Dual SIM and 3G support.
Sony Xperia C will be competing head-to-head with Samsung Galaxy Grand and newly launched Gionee Elife E6 in India.