After Apple's iPhone, Samsung's Galaxy S5 and HTC's One and One Max, LG has also decided to launch a gold-coloured variant of its flagship smartphone, the LG G2. LG G2 wrapped in gold colour is found listed on Taiwan's Yahoo Shopping Center. The price of gold LG G2 is similar to the black and white version of the smartphone -- 14,900TWD ($496) for 16GB model and 16,900TWD ($562) for 32GB model.
The smartphone comes with a 5.2-inch Full HD IPS display, 2.26GHz quad-core Snapdragon 800 processor, Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean (4.4 KitKat update rolling out, but in South Korea only), 2GB RAM, 13MP OIS rear camera, 2.1MP front facing camera, 16GB/32GB storage and 3,000 mAh battery.
At the moment, it's unclear if LG is planning to introduce the golden LG G2 in more markets.
Via - ePrice