Chinese manufacturer Oppo launched the Oppo N1 and the Oppo R1 in India earlier this year in January and April respectively. The Oppo N1 was originally launched in India for Rs. 39,999, which later got a price-cut to Rs. 37,990. On the other hand, the Oppo R1 was launched in India for Rs. 26,990. Recently, Oppo has announced that it has dropped the price of both these smartphones in the country.
Oppo reveals that the Oppo N1 will now retail in India for Rs. 32,990, whereas the Oppo N1 will now cost Rs. 24,990. This is the second price-cut of N1 since it has been launched in the country. If you are unaware, Oppo N1 is the world's first rotating camera smartphone.
This price drop is due to the launch of two new flagship phones from the company, the Find 7 and the Find 7a. Oppo has also revealed that the Find 7 with 2K Quad HD display will go on sale in India starting next month for Rs. 37,990.
To remind you, Oppo N1 comes with a 5.9-inch Full HD IPS LCD display, 1.7GHz quad-core Snapdragon 600 processor, Adreno 320 GPU, 2GB RAM, Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean with Oppo's Color ROM on top, 13MP rotating camera, 16GB internal storage and 3,610 mAh battery.
Whereas, the Oppo R1 comes with a 5-inch HD IPS display, 1.3GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6582 processor, 1GB RAM, Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean with ColorOS on top, 8MP rear camera with LED flash, 5MP front facing camera, 16GB internal storage and 2,410 mAh battery.