Photographs taken from Samsung’s upcoming flagship smartphone have popped up on Google+. Sadly, the Account of the User who Posted these Images is FORBIDDEN. These images were taken from two different versions of Galaxy S IV – one meant for South Korea ‘SHV-E300S’ & other for US telecom operator AT&T ‘SGH-I337’.
Although there is no way to authenticate these images, the objects in the pictures suggest that these images were probably taken in Samsung’s properties, like the Samsung desk calendar in one image. Also, the change in the privacy settings of the images soon after the publication of initial news stories based on these, also makes us wonder, if these are indeed the real thing.
According to TD, Samsung is going to announce Galaxy S IV on March 15 and the phone will go on sale in early April. It is said to be coming with 4.99-inch Full HD AMOLED display, Exynos 5 Octa processor, 13MP camera, 2MP front camera, Android 4.2, and 2GB RAM.