HTC India launched HTC One during the first week of April for Rs. 42,900. During the launch, HTC announced that, they will start the sale of HTC One in India from Last week of April. The Smartphone was about to arrive in market now, but there is no sign of HTC One in markets till now.
HTC has delayed HTC One a lot & we can assure that One will not get much popularity in India, because Samsung & Sony have already captured the Indian market by launching their Flagship devices.
Many of them are now opting for either Xperia Z or Galaxy S4 & they can't wait more for the launch of HTC One in markets.This will lead to a great loss for HTC. One thing we can suggest HTC is to start showing some TV Commercials, so that buyers can plan to buy your device & wait for some more time.
The big reason for this delay is the production of HTC's Ultrapixel Camera. We hope HTC fix this issue as soon as possible & start shipping the HTC One soon.
The post will be updated as soon as we hear some more news, so stay tuned.