Today we were surfing some Smartphones on Flipkart & there we saw that Samsung Galaxy S Advance has got a huge price drop. Samsung Galaxy S Advance was announced in India last April. During that time, it costed for Rs. 26,900. After that, earlier this month, Galaxy S Advance was selling for Rs. 17,500. And now dropped to Rs. 14,500.
Specs & Features of Galaxy S Advance -
- Display - 4-inch Super AMOLED with resolution of 480x800p
- Processor - 1GHz Dual-Core
- Android OS - 2.3.6 out-of-the-box, upgradable to 4.1.2 Jelly Bean
- RAM - 768MB
- Camera -
- Rear - 5MP wih Auto Focus & LED Flash
- Front - 1.3MP
- Storage - 16GB internal storage, expandable to 32GB via microSD
- Battery - 1500mAh
To order Galaxy S Advance click here or use the below widget.