LG India has started rolling out the Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean update for the LG Optimus L5 (E612) in India today. The update as usual is currently available only via LG PC Suite and is about 370MB in size. If you don't have LG PC Suite installed on your PC, then download and install it right away to enjoy the new update features. You can download the LG Drivers and PC Suite for LG L5 E612 from here.
The update is currently available for Single SIM LG Optimus L5 E612, no information is available now for the dual SIM Optimus L5 E615. The LG Optimus L5 was originally announced last year in February and was released in India last June. In addition, all the newly launched L-Style II series smartphones comes with Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean pre-loaded.