Hong Kong-based electronic manufacturer, iBerry, which is poplar for their tablet computers has entered the Indian market race by launching their first Android smartphone in India for a special introductory price of Rs. 15,990. Carrying Auxus Nuclea N1 as its name, the smartphone is originally priced for Rs. 18,000, which is the same price Micromax is currently selling its newly announced Canvas 4. The smartphone has been priced perfectly with impressive specifications.
Also, Auxus Nuclea N1 will come bundled with extra four coloured back cover in the box, so users can choose the colour panel they want to use on a given day on the basis of the occasion and costume.
Coming to the specification part, iBerry Auxus Nuclea N1 comes with a 5.0-inch Full HD 1080p resolution display with one-glass solution (OGS Tech), gesture control, voice unlock and magnetic sensors. The smartphone has a 1.5GHz Quad-Core MediaTek MT6589T (Turbo) processor, PowerVR SGX 544MP GPU clocked at 357MHz with Android 4.2 Jelly Bean on it. No information regarding the RAM and Internal memory are disclosed yet.
Specs & Features of Nuclea N1 -
- Display - 5.0-inch Full HD with OGS Tech (1920x1080p)
- Processor - 1.5GHz Quad-Core MediaTek MT6589T (Turbo)
- GPU - PowerVR SGX 544MP clocked at 357MHz
- RAM - ?
- Android OS - 4.2 Jelly Bean
- Camera -
- Rear - 13MP auto-focus
- Front - 8MP
- Storage - ?
- Battery - 2800mAh
- Additional Features - Active Matrix Display, Gesture Control, Voice Unlock and Magnetic Sensors
The smartphone also comes with 13MP auto focus rear camera with 8MP front facing camera and 2800mAh battery. The smartphone is also equipped with Active Matrix Display. Which means, each pixel of the display is individually controlled to provide a sharp image at wide viewing angle, so that users can have a different and unique viewing experience.