Micromax has silently released the next version of Bling series smartphone in India. Dubbed as Micromax Bling 3, the smartphone is the successor of original Micromax Bling, which was launched back in 2010 and Micromax Bling 2, which was launched in 2011. The smartphone is currently available at Snapdeal.com for Rs. 9,599, which is a discounted price. Micromax Bling 3 is expected to get priced for Rs. 11,999.
Coming to the specification part, the smartphone has 4-inch display, 1GHz Dual-Core processor, Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, 5MP rear camera with LED flash along with 0.3MP )VGA) front facing camera, 1600mAh Battery, microSD card support, Dual-SIM support with dual-standby feature and 11.4mm thickness. No details regarding the screen resolution, internal memory and RAM are known at this moment.