Sony has officially launched their H2 flagship device, Sony Xperia Z Ultra today in India at an event held in New Delhi. The phablet has been priced for Rs. 46,990 and is currently available at online retailer Saholic for Rs. 44,990. Sony Xperia Z Ultra was unveiled last month at Mobile Asia Expo and went on sale in India last week through The phablet comes in three different colour options, White, Black and Purple and will be available across India from August 2nd on-wards. Also, Sony Center, Thane has started the pre-order of Xperia Z Ultra and are clamming to get the stocks tomorrow morning.
Specs & Features of Xperia Z Ultra -
- Display -
- Screen - 6.44-inch Full HD TRILUMINOS Display with X-Reality for mobile
- Resolution - 1920x1080p
- Density - 342PPI
- Thickness - 6.5mm
- Weigh - 212 grams
- Processor - 2.2GHz Quad-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800
- Graphics - Adreno 330
- Android OS - 4.2.2 Jelly Bean
- RAM - 2GB
- Camera - Both camera's are capable of recording Full HD 1080p Videos
- Rear - 8MP with Exmor RS Sensor
- Front - 2MP
- Storage - 16GB, expandable upto 64GB via microSD Card
- Battery - 3000mAh
- Additional Features - Water & Dust Resistant (IP55/IP58 certification), 3G HSPA+, WiFi 820.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, DLNA, aGPS, ANT+, GLONASS, NFC and New & Updated Sony Media Apps with Asphalt 7 pre-installed
The smartphone support handwriting recognition and is compatible with any pen/stylus input on the screen (capacitive stylus or metal pen with tip diameter over 1mm). Other features include, 8MP rear camera with Exmos RS sensor along with 2MP front facing camera, 16GB internal memory with 64GB expandable memory using microSD Card, 3000mAh Battery, 3G HSPA+, WiFi 820.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, DLNA, aGPS, ANT+, GLONASS and NFC.
Sony has partnered with Gameloft to offer Asphalt 7 pre-installed on the device. The company has also tied up with Vodafone to offer 8GB of free 3G data each month for two months.