Last month Spice launched their first Coolpad series smartphone in India dubbed as Spice Coolpad Mi-515. The smartphone is currently available in India for Rs. 9,990 and is the company's first Quad-Core smartphone under Rs. 10,000. But, recently another Spice Coolpad series device has been spotted online for sale in India for Rs. 9,499.
Talking about Spice Coolpad 2 Mi-496, the smartphones carries a 4.5-inch qHD TFT LCD display, 1.2GHz Quad-Core Snapdragon 200 Processor, 1GB RAM, Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean and has Dual-SIM support (GSM+GSM) with dual standby feature.
Other features include, 5MP rear camera shooter with LED flash, missing the front one with 4GB internal memory, which is expandable upto 32GB using microSD card and 1700mAh Battery. The Coolpad 2 Mi-496 is currently available from online retailer Saholic for Rs. 9,499.