Google's Android Vice President, Hugo Barra, who joined Google in 2008, from Nuance Communications, the creator of Swype and Apple's Siri, is leaving the company in few weeks. Barra will soon be joining the Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi to help them expand their business globally — as Vice President, Xiaomi Global.
A new Android chapterAfter nearly 5½ years at Google and almost 3 years as a member of the Android team — the most amazing group of people I've ever worked with in my life — I have decided to start a new career chapter.In a few weeks, I'll be joining the Xiaomi team in China to help them expand their incredible product portfolio and business globally — as Vice President, Xiaomi Global. I'm really looking forward to this new challenge, and am particularly excited about the opportunity to continue to help drive the Android ecosystem.It has been an amazing ride and true honor to be part of the Android team at Google, and I especially want to thank +Andy Rubin , +Hiroshi Lockheimer , +Sundar Pichai and +Vic Gundotra for their phenomenal support and mentorship over the years.+Android team, I will truly miss you all!
Google has also confirmed Barra's departure from the company in a statement issued earlier today. "We wish Hugo Barra the best. We’ll miss him at Google and we're excited that he is staying within the Android ecosystem," Google said in the statement.
Source - Google+, AllThingsD