It wasn't only Micromax, Karbonn has also silently released a new entry-level Android smartphone today in India for Rs. 5,799. Dubbed as Karbonn Smart A11+, the smartphone is currently on sale in India through online retailers Saholic and Infibeam. Saholic is offering the smartphone for Rs. 5,849, whereas Infibeam has priced Smart A11+ at Rs. 5,799.
Specs & Features of Smart A11+ -
- Display - 4.7-inch FWVGA
- Processor - 1GHz Dual-Core
- Android OS - 4.0.4 Ice Cream Snadwich
- RAM - 512MB
- Camera -
- Rear - 3.2MP with LED flash
- Front - 0.3MP (VGA)
- Storage - 512MB internal, with 161MB user available, with 32GB expandable using microSD card
- Battery - 1450mAh
The specifications of the smartphone are cute good (considering the price), but if Karbonn had added 3G connectivity and Android Jelly Bean on it, then it would be like a cherry on the cake. The smartphone comes included with free stylish flipcover. Karbonn Smart A11+ comes in both White and Black colours.