Micromax has silently released another entry-level smartphone in India. Dubbed as Micromax A34, the smartphone is currently on sale in India through online retailer Flipkart for Rs. 4,399. Micromax A34 comes with entry-level specs and will find have hard time finding consumers. Sadly, the smartphone comes running Gingerbread on it, rather than Jelly Bean.
Specs & Features of Micromax A34 -
- Display - 3.95-inch HVGA
- Processor - 1GHz Single Core
- Android OS - 2.3.5 Gingerbread
- RAM - 256MB
- Camera -
- Rear - 2MP with LED flash
- Storage - 512MB internal, 165MB user available, 32GB expandable
- Battery - 1350mAh
Micromax A34 comes in Black colour and considering the specifications, the smartphone will not stay in market for long time.