Micromax has been teasing the Canvas Doodle 2 on their Facebook page from long time and after so many leaks and rumours, the smartphone is now available for sale in India for Rs. 19,990. The pricing looks too high considering the specifications, but it may come down after the official announcement. Micromax Canvas Doodle 2 hold A240 as it's model number, and is now available for sale on Snapdeal.com, whereas Flipkart listing has been removed now.
Other specifications include, 12MP rear camera with dual LED flash along with 5MP front facing camera, 2600mAh battery and 16GB internal storage from which 12GB is user available. Unfortunately, we can any microSD card slot on the smartphone, which means 12GB is the fixed memory. Connectivity series include, 3G, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth v4.0, GPS/A-GPS.
Micromax Canvas Doodle 2 comes bundled with a free stylus like it's predecessor and also comes with few applications pre-installed like M! Doodle, M! Live, M! Security, M! Zone, Hike, Spuul, Foneclay and Facebook.
The company has included all the Canvas 4 software feature on this device too like Multi-tasking, Video Pinning, Mobile Tracker, Smart Pause, Skitch, Blow Air or Shake to Unlock, Aluminium Battery Cover, Video Streaming and Vertical Panorama.
Looking at the specifications and features, Micromax's Canvas Doodle 2 will have touch competition with Samsung's Galaxy mega 5.8, which is currently available in India for Rs. 23,400.