Sony Xperia M went on sale in India last month for Rs. 12,990, and today Sony has silently started selling the dual SIM variant of the smartphone in India. Dubbed as Sony Xperia M Dual, the smartphone is now up for pre-order in India for Rs. 14,490. The smartphone is now available for pre-order through famous online retailer Flipkart and Snapdeal. Sony Xperia M Dual is available in all the three colours, Black, White and Purple.
Other specifications include, 5MP rear camera with LED Flash, and dedicated camera shutter button with 0.3MP front facing camera. Sony Xperia M Dual also comes with 4GB internal storage with 32GB expandable using microSD card, 1,750 mAh battery, WiFi, Bluetooth, aGPS, ClearAudio+, xLOUD ,3D Surround Sound (VPT), NFC and Screen Mirroring.
Other than extra SIM card slot, rest all the specifications of Xperia M Dual is same as the original Xperia M.