Gionee is all set to launch it's latest flagship smartphone, Gionee Elife E6 in India on October 3rd, and before the event takes place, the smartphone is already on sale in India. The Gionee Elife E6 is now available in India from online retailer Snapdeal for only Rs. 22,165. Snapdeal notes the box price of Elife E6 as Rs. 27,199, and is offering the phone with 19% discount. Gionee Elife E6 comes in Black and White colour options.
The smartphone also comes with 13MP rear camera along with 5MP front facing camera, 32GB internal storage and 2,000 mAh battery. The smartphone is 7.9mm thick and weighs 128 grams, and has just 2.54mm thin bezel around the display. Gionee has also included DTS surround sound technology on Elife E6 with dedicated Yamaha audio chip for enhanced audio experience.
At Rs. 22,165, the smartphone will grab lot of users attention.