After getting spotted online twice, HTC has officially launched the dual SIM version of original HTC One in India for Rs. 53,590. Dubbed as HTC One Dual SIM+, the smartphone is already available on various online retailers and brick and motar stores for as low as Rs. 46,257.
Unlike the single SIM HTC One, the dual-SIM variant comes with removable back cover, which allows the users to insert the SIM cards and microSD card. This variant of HTC One comes with 32GB internal storage with 64GB expandable memory.
Other than dual-SIM support, rest of the specifications are similar to single-SIM HTC One, which include 4.7-inch Full HD Super IPS LCD 3 display, 1.7GHz Quad-Core Snapdragon 600 Processor, 2GB RAM, Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean with HTC Sense 5.0, 4MP Ultrapixel Camera, 2.1MP front facing camera, 2,300 mAh Battery and Adreno 320 Graphics.
In addition, telecom operator Tata Docomo has tied up with HTC for the release of HTC One Dual SIM+ in India. Tata Docomo will be offering exclusive offers to the HTC One Dual SIM+ buyers on its network on both pre-paid and post-paid connections.