Micromax has started selling two new devices in India. Dubbed as Micromax Canvas Fun A63 and Micromax Bolt A40, both the smartphones comes under low-end category. Micromax Canvas Fun A63 was spotted earlier this month on official Micromax website, and now the smartphone is on sale in India from online retailers like Infibeam, Flipkart and Snapdeal for Rs. 6,799.
Feature-wise, Micromax Canvas Fun A63 comes with a 4.0-inch TFT WVGA display, 1.3GHz Dual-Core MediaTek MT6572 processor, 512MB RAM, Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean, dual SIM support (GSM+GSM) with dual standby feature, 2MP rear camera with LED flash, 4GB internal memory with 32GB expandable memory using microSD card and 1,500 mAh battery. The smartphone comes in Raging Red and Mystic Blue colours, along with 3G support.
Whereas, Micromax Canvas Bolt A40 features a 4.5-inch TFT FWVGA display, 1GHz Spreadtrum SC6820 Single core processor, 512MB RAM, Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread, dual SIM support, 2MP rear camera with LED flash along with 0.3MP VGA front camera, 512MB internal memory (75MB user available) with 32GB expandable memory using microSD card and 1,500 mAh battery.
The smartphone comes in Grey colour, along with 2G support, no 3G and Bluetooth 2.1. Micromax Bolt A40 also comes pre-loaded with the following applications: EYE Room, M!Live, 3in1 Bubbles, Opera Mini, Hike and Spuul.