HTC has officially launched the mini version of HTC One in India today. The smartphone appeared on official HTC India website last month, and last week it went on sale online. Dubbed as HTC One Mini, the smartphone comes with mid-end specifications, but the price tag is like of the high-end device. HTC has priced One Mini in India for Rs. 36,790. At this price point, consumers can easily go for other devices, like Xperia Z, and Galaxy S4.
The smartphone also comes with a 4MP Ultrapixel rear camera with LED flash, 1.6MP front facing camera, 1,800 mAh battery, 16GB fixed internal storage and 3G HSPA+ support. Connectivity series include, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0 with aptX codec, DNLA, GPS with GLONASS and NFC.