After getting spotted online for sale, LG has officially launched the LG G Pro Lite Dual in India. The smartphone was originally announced earlier this month, and is company's first budget friendly phablet. LG has priced G Pro Lite Dual at Rs. 22,990, but the phablet is available online in India for much lower price, Rs. 18,300.
Feature-wise, the G Pro Lite Dual comes with a 5.5-inch qHD IPS display, 1GHz dual-core MediaTek MT6577 processor, Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean and 1GB RAM. The device is 9.48mm thick and weighs 161 grams.
Other specifications include, 8MP rear camera with LED flash and BSI sensor, 1.3MP front facing camera, 8GB internal storage with 32GB expandable using microSD card and 3,140 mAh of battery. Connectivity series include, WiFi, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth 3.0 with A2DP, USB 2.0 and A-GPS.