The smartwatch segment is still in its nascent stages globally but has a pretty bright future. The Taiwanese manufacturer HTC has been doing not so well in the smartphone arena and it will launch a smartwatch at Christmas as per the latest reports. HTC's Chairwoman Cher Wang is of the opinion that the wearable technology is something HTC would like to venture into and the smartwatch is pretty much where HTC would like to start.
The company is optimistic about the future and the strategies they have planned out will help it counter the losses. The company will launch the successor to the HTC One this year and will launch a smartwatch as well. "Many years ago we started looking at smartwatches and wearables, but we believe that we really have to solve the battery problems and the LCD light problems," is what Wang told to Bloomberg in an interview.
"These are customer-centric problems," is what she further added by stating that the company plans on overcoming these obstacles by Christmas. The company's turnaround of events is expected to start in March after it launches the HTC One successor which will be the flagship device. The company will be pursuing aggressive marketing strategies and has accepted its marketing failures as well now.
Robert Downey Jr will be the one like last year whom the company will use to get its message across. HTC was once a company that the likes of Samsung were nowhere close in terms of smartphones and now the company is struggling big time. Will the smartwatch coupled with aggressive marketing strategies help it turn around its fortunes? We'd like to wait and watch.