Qualcomm, the leading chipset manufacturer has introduced three new chipsets at the MWC 2014. It has launched Snapdragon 801 which will fit in between the Snapdragon 800 and 805, Snapdragon 610 and Snapdragon 615 which are 64-bit chipsets from the company.
The Snapdragon 800 is a bit similar to the Snapdragon 801 but gets a bump in the CPU department from 2.26 GHz to 2.45 GHz, GPU gets clocked at 578 MHz which is an up from the 450 MHz of the Snapdragon 800 and the memory bus has been increased to 933 MHz from 800 MHz.
It also gets support for Emmc 5.0 standard which lets the consumers use the flash storage embedded with higher speeds. It will start shipping in April for smartphones with S5 and HTC flagships being the first ones to get it.
Snapdragon 610 and 615 are the 64-bit twins on offer. The Snapdragon 610 gets four 64-bit ARM Cortex A53 cores which team up with an Adreno 405 GPU. The Snapdragon 615 gets eight 64-bit ARM Cortex A53 cores coupled with an Adreno 405 GPU. The CPU and GPU clock speeds have not been specified as of now but the chipsets will be made available in upcoming smartphones towards the fag end of 2014.