XOLO is all set to launch a new entry-level Android smartphone in India soon. Dubbed as XOLO A510s, the smartphone is found listed on company's official website. XOLO has priced the A510s at Rs. 7,499. The smartphone comes with metallic finish and is expected to go sale soon. The A510s will be joining other already available A-series smartphones by XOLO.
Specifications-wise, XOLO A510s comes with a 4-inch FWVGA display, 1.3GHz dual-core MediaTek MT6572 processor, Mali-400 MP GPU, 1GB RAM and Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. The A510s is 8.98mm thick and has dual-SIM support with dual standby feature.
The smartphone also comes with a 5MP rear camera with LED flash, 0.3MP (VGA) front facing camera, 4GB internal storage with expandable using microSD card and 1,400 mAh battery. Connectivity series include 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth v3.0 and A-GPS.
Via - FoneArena