After topping the sales volume with its smartphones and becoming the global leader in the world, South Korean tech titan Samsung came up adding four different wearable devices to its portfolio within a year’s time. In addition to this, the vendor seems to be working on its own smart glasses scheduled to arrive in the coming months. As per a latest report by Engadget, Samsung is prepping its own VR headset and it will be announcing the same later this year.
The device is said to be in the testing phase and it is claimed to be compatible with the current flagship Galaxy devices such as Note 3 and S5. However, it is tipped that the final variant of this VR headset will function only with the next generation Samsung devices owing to high power demands. Reportedly, the headset will be based on Tizen OS and feature an OLED display.
The report suggests that Samsung is moving to the VR headset domain to compete with Facebook’s Oculus Rift VR headset meant for PC gaming and the Sony Project Morpheus headset designed exclusively for PlayStation 4. Hence, there is no doubt that the Samsung headset will be designed with intense gaming in mind.
It is claimed that the Samsung VR headset will be priced lower than the Facebook and Sony offerings and it is believed to bring about a major difference in the Android gaming aspect.