Also refereed as Apple of China, Xiaomi introduced the Mi3 smartphone in the country last month. The smartphone since then has been selling like hot cakes and after a month two of the official Mi3 accessories are up for pre-order. As we know Xiaomi has partnered with Flipkart for selling its products in the country, both the Mi3 screen-protector and Mi3 flip cover are now available for pre-order on Flipkart.
Along with the Mi3 accessories, Flipkart has also started taking pre-orders of the Mi Power Banks. Both the 5,200mAh and 10,400mAh Mi PowerBanks are up for pre-order on Flipkart.
The Mi 3 screen protector costs Rs. 179, whereas the Mi 3 flip cover costs Rs. 559. On the other hand, the 5200 mAh Mi Power Bank is priced at Rs. 799 and the 10400 mAh Mi Power Bank will cost you just Rs. 999.
Flipkart is saying that the accessories will be available in the fifth week of August, i.e. starting August 25th. No word on when the Mi in-the-ear headset will be available.
According to Xiaomi, the 10400 mAh Mi PowerBank is capable of charging the Mi3 2.5 times and an Apple iPhone 5s 4.5 times. The PowerBank can be fully charged in 5.5 hours and measures 90.5 x 77 x 21.6mm and weights 250 grams. On the other hand, the 5200 mAh Mi PowerBank can charge the Mi3 once and iPhone 5s twice. It is kind of obvious to go for the 10400 mAh Mi PowerBank rather than the 5200 mAh one, as the former costs only Rs. 200 more than the latter.
If you aren't aware of, the next sale of Xiaomi Mi3 is scheduled for August 26th. Upto 20,000 units of Mi3 will be available for purchase from Flipkart on that day. Flipkart has revealed that over 1,00,000 people have already registered for the upcoming sale. The next sale will be happening on August 26th at 2PM. Those who have registered check the Flipkart Mi3 page again for the confirmation, if not then register yourself again, as it is mandatory.