As expected, Samsung on Tuesday officially announced the launch of the miniature variant of the Galaxy S5 in the Indian market. Dubbed as Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini, the smartphone is exclusively available from online retailer Flipkart. The Galaxy S5 Mini comes in Charcoal Black, Shimmery White, Electric Blue and Copper Gold colours and is priced at Rs. 26,499.
As an introductory offer, Flipkart is offering 100% cashback to 25 lucky customers, preselected Flipkart eBooks worth Rs 2,000 for free and Sennheiser HD 180 headphones for free with the Galaxy S5 Mini.
Similar to the big brother, the Galaxy S5 Mini also comes with IP67 certification, textured back cover and features all trademark features of the S5 which include Ultra Power Saving Mode, a heart rate monitor, fingerprint scanner, S Health, Private Mode, Kids Mode and more.
Talking about the specifications, the Galaxy S5 Mini comes with a 4.5-inch HD Super AMOLED display, 1.4GHz quad-core processor (chipset unknown, mostly Exynos 3470), 1.5GB RAM and Android 4.4 KitKat. The device measures 131.1 x 64.8 x 9.1mm and weights 120 grams.
Other specifications include an 8MP rear camera with LED flash, 2.1MP front facing camera, 16GB internal storage with expandable upto 32GB using microSD card and 2,100 mAh battery. Connectivity series include 3G HSPA+, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0 LE, A-GPS + GLONASS and IR blaster.