Samsung recently launched the Galaxy Grand Prime with 5MP front facing camera in the Indian market for Rs. 15,499. Now, the South Korean tech giant is ready with a new Galaxy Core smartphone. Dubbed as Samsung Galaxy Core Prime, the smartphone comes with model number SM-G360X. The Galaxy Core Prime is a mid-range Android smartphone and will be launched in India soon.
The smartphone comes in black and white colours. The model number SM-G3606 & SM-G3608 has also appeared in the files of China’s TENAA. There is no word on when Samsung will officially launch the Galaxy Core Prime in the country, but the wait won't be too long as it is already found listed on India's biggest e-retailer.
On the specifications front, Samsung Galaxy Core Prime comes with a 4.5-inch WVGA PLS (Plane-to line switching) display with resolution of 800 x 480 pixels, 1.3GHz quad-core processor, 1GB RAM and Android 4.4 KitKat. The smartphone is said to be 8.8mm thick and has single-SIM support.
Other specifications include an 5MP rear camera with LED flash and Full HD (1080p) video recording support, 2MP front facing camera, 8GB internal storage with expandable upto 64GB using microSD card and 2,000 mAh battery. The phone is also said to include Ultra Power Saving mode feature.