Samsung earlier this week has officially announced a new variant of its flagship Galaxy Note 4 smartphone in South Korea. Dubbed as Samsung Galaxy Note 4 LTE-A or Galaxy Note 4 S-LTE, the smartphone comes with LTE Advanced (LTE-A) Tri Band Carrier Aggregation (CA). The Note 4 LTE-A will likely be the first commercially available LTE-A Tri Band CA smartphone.
According to Samsung, the Galaxy Note 4 S-LTE provides four times faster than the speed of current 4G LTE service. With three different frequency bands aggregation, the smartphone can reach download speed up to 300Mbps. So, a 700MB video can be downloaded in just 19 seconds or 10 songs with 40MB will take about 1 second to load.
Other than LTE-A Tri Band CA support, the Galaxy Note 4 LTE-A also comes with all new Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor (Update: Samsung Exynos 5433 processor rather than SD810.) Rest of the specifications are similar to the original Galaxy Note 4.
There is no word on pricing or availability details of the phone. Samsung is expected to launch the LTE-A Tri Band CA Galaxy Note 4 with LTE-A Category 9 support with download speed up to 450Mbps sometime later this year.