WhatsApp has been long rumored to be working on a web client of the messaging app and now the WhatsApp Web interface is live. The new client does let users to send and receive WhatsApp messages using a computer, but it requires the mobile as well and the Web client is only an extension of the phone.
Well, WhatsApp Web can help in sending and receiving messages via a computer, but the smartphone should be connected to the internet and it has to authenticate by scanning the code on the web interface every time the user logs in to WhatsApp Web.
In order to access the WhatsApp Web client, users will have to first update to the latest version of the messaging service via Google Play Store. Once the app on the smartphone is updated, the user will have to log on to https://web.whatsapp.com. A QR code will be displayed on the page and it is claimed that Chrome browser should be used as the other browsers may not work properly.
The user will have to pair the WhatsApp account on the phone to the computer and for this the QR code has to be scanned using the phone’s WhatsApp account. This is possible by navigating to WhatsApp Menu option and selecting WhatsApp Web. The instructions for the same are detailed on WhatsApp Web homepage itself. Notably, if the option is not available on the menu of the messaging application on the user’s smartphone, the app is yet to be updated or the feature is yet to be enabled for the particular WhatsApp account.
WhatsApp Web will be available if the user is having a WhatsApp account on Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone or Nokia S60 OS. The iOS devices are yet to receive the WhatsApp Web support and it is due to Apple platform limitations.
In the meantime, WhatsApp has banned all third party apps from using its services like WhatsApp+. WhatsApp Plus has now announced that it is shut down. As per the community owner of WhatsApp Plus, Dr. Mounib Al Rifai on Google Plus has confirmed that the ‘fun ride had come to an end’. It is revealed that they received a cease and desist letter from WhatsApp and it is claimed that they will remove all downloaded links and the community itself.
WhatsApp Plus has effectively shut down and it is no more available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store for download. WhatsApp Plus is not the next version of the popular messaging app and it was capable of posing security and privacy related threats.