LG India has officially launched a new mid-range Android smartphone in the Indian market. Dubbed as LG G4 Stylus, the smartphone was originally announced earlier this year in May. LG G4 Stylus is the successor of last year's G3 Stylus. The G4 Stylus comes in Metallic Silver and Floral White colors and is priced at Rs. 24,990 in the country.
LG G4 Stylus - Download Image |
Like other LG smartphones, the G4 Stylus also comes with rear volume and power buttons. The smartphone also features LG's high-end smartphone software features likes Gesture Shot, Knock Code, Glance View and more.
On the specifications front, LG G4 Stylus comes with a 5.7-inch HD IPS display, 1.2GHz quad-core Snapdragon 410 processor, Adreno 306 GPU, 1GB of RAM and Android 5.0 Lollipop. The smartphone measures 154.3 x 79.2 x 9.6mm and weights 163 grams.
Other specifications include an 13MP rear camera with LED Flash and Laser Auto Focus, 5MP front-facing camera, 16GB internal memory which is expandable using microSD card and 3,000mAh battery. Connectivity series include 4G LTE / 3G HSPA+, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.1, GPS and NFC support.