LAVA has launched its rumoured Gesture Support Iris smartphone dubbed as Lava Iris 504Q today. The handset was introduced today at an event in Delhi. According to Lava, Iris 504Q has gesture control to change Music or Radio Station, Browse Photo Gallery and click Photos just by hovering our hand over the device. Lava has also added OTA (over-the-air) support on the device.
LAVA Iris 504Q features 5-inch HD IPS display with OGS tech having 1280x720p resolution, the device runs 1.2GHz Quad-Core MediaTek Processor with 1GB RAM and Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. The device also features, 8MP rear shooter with LED Flash and BSI sensor to record Full HD 1080p video and 2MP front shooter for clear video calling.
Iris 504Q is just 8.4mm thick and weighs 140g. The smartphone come pre-loaded with 4GB internal storage which can be expanded upto 32GB via microSD Card, 2000mAh Battery, 3G, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth, USB OTG and GPS.
Lava has priced there Iris 504Q for Rs. 13,499 only and come with an impressive flip cover. According to LAVA, the device will be available at mortar retailers stores from 4th week of June.