The newly launched Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini is now available on flipkart for pre-order for Rs. 27,990. The smartphone was officially announced in India just three days ago with Galaxy S4 Zoom. As the name defines, the device is the mini version of original Samsung flagship, Galaxy S4. The smartphone comes in two colours, white and black and is expected to be released in markets in 3rd week of July.
The Galaxy S4 Mini sports a 4.3-inch qHD Super AMOLED display running on 1.7GHz Dual-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 Processor with 1.5GB RAM and Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. The smartphone also comes included with 8GB internal memory, which is expandable upto 64GB via microSD Card.
In addition the smartphone comes with 1900mAh battery, 8MP rear camera and 1.3MP front facing camera. Samsung has also included some of the features of Galaxy S4 on this handset.
We can take advantage of all the camera features, with other additional features like Group Play, Story Album, S Translator, S Travel, S Health and S Voice on this device. The phone also supports IR blaster, which converts the smartphone into a universal remote.
Update: The smartphone is now available on Official Samsung India e-store for Rs. 27,990. According to Samsung e-store, the smartphone is expected to start shipping from 18th July.