Google has started rolling out the updated version of Play Store client for Android. The new Google Play Store for Android holds 4.3.10 as its version number and brings new features including Recently Updated section, combined updated notifications and more. To check whether your smartphone/tablet has received this update or not, open the Play Store app > Settings and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and check the version number.
- Recently Updated section in My Apps - This will help you know about the apps you have updated recently. The feature would be more useful to those who have lots and lots of apps.
- Combined Update Notifications in the notification bar - This feature will save lot of space in the notification bar. Previously Google used to show separate notification for each updated apps, but after this update, you will see combined notification for all the updated apps.
- Settings screen now lists the active account - Switching the account is now easier.
- Small UI tweaks in Play Books
- Swapping of rent and purchase buttons in Play Movies and TV
Images Credit - AndroidPolice