LAVA has officially launched two new entry-level Iris series smartphones in the Indian market. Dubbed as LAVA Iris 356 and LAVA Iris 402, the smartphone comes with entry-level specifications and cost Rs. 4,499 and Rs. 5,499 respectively. According to LAVA, both the smartphones will be available across India in coming days and will be available for Rs. 4,199 and Rs. 5,199 respectively.
Specs & Features of Iris 356 -
- Display -
- Screen - 3.5-inch HVGA
- Thickness - 12.6mm
- Weigh - 112 grams
- Processor - 1.2GHz dual-core
- Android OS - 4.2 Jelly Bean
- RAM - 256MB
- Camera -
- Rear - 1.3MP with front-focus
- Front - 0.3MP (VGA)
- Storage - 512MB internal storage with 100MB user available, expandable upto 32GB via microSD Card
- Battery - 1500mAh
- Additional Features - Dual-SIM slot (GSM+WCDMA) with Dual Standby feature and 3G support
Other features include, 512MB internal memory with 100MB user memory and 32GB expandable memory using microSD card and 1500mAh battery with 3G support. Iris 356 is 12.6mm thick and weighs 112 grams.
Whereas, LAVA Iris 402 features an 4.0-inch WVGA display, 1.2GHz dual-core processor, dual-SIM support (GSM+WCDMA) with dual standby feature, Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and 256MB RAM.
Specs & Features of Iris 402 -
- Display -
- Screen - 4.0-inch WVGA display
- Thickness - 11.4mm
- Weigh - 124 grams
- Processor - 1.2GHz dual-core
- Android OS - 4.2 Jelly Bean
- RAM - 256MB
- Camera -
- Rear - 3MP with fixed-focus
- Front - 0.3MP (VGA)
- Storage - 512MB internal storage, 100MB user available, expandable upto 32GB via microSD Card
- Battery - 1500mAh
- Additional Features - Dual-SIM slot (GSM+WCDMA) with Dual Standby feature and 3G support