After getting leaked last night, Samsung has officially unwrapped its new Android-powered flip phone today in China. The smartphone is dubbed as Samsung SHV-W789, the company seems to be going simply with Samsung SHV-W789 as the final branding of the phone, rather than naming it as Galaxy Hennessy. The smartphone features dual displays, one under the flip and one above the flip.
Other specifications include, Dual-SIM connectivity (GSM+CDMA), 5MP rear camera with LED flash, 3G support, 8GB internal storage along with 32GB microSD card support and 1500mAh battery. Samsung has priced Samsung SHV-W789 at 4,999 Chinese yuan, which is about $816 and would go on sale soon from China Telecom.
In addition, Samsung is yet to announce the rumoured and leaked Galaxy Golden, which is also a Android-powered flip phone by Samsung, exclusively for Korean Markets.