Samsung has started rolling out the Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update for Galaxy Grand Duos in India today. The news was reported by AndroidOS, and according to them, the update is rolling out via both, Kies application for desktop and over-the-air (OTA). The update for Galaxy Grand Duos was first live in Russia last month, and India is the second country to get the 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update for Galaxy Grand Duos.
The official change-log of the update is not yet available, but the update is expected to brings new Android 4.2.2 features like, quick toggles, lock-screen widgets, improved task switching, Daydream screensaver mode and performance enhancements. The update also brings all new Samsung TouchWiz Nature UX 2.0, which brings transparent status bar, redesigned settings page, new widgets and homescreen, and more from the Galaxy S4.
The update is 488.67MB in size. You can manually check for the update by going to Settings > About Phone > Software Update > Check Now. Make sure you have high-speed internet connection or WiFi connected with your device, as the update file size is too big.
If you have received the update on your Grand Duos, then do let you know your reviews about the update in the comment section below. Till then, check out the images of Android 4.2.2 JB running on Galaxy Grand Duos (these images were posted by Sammobile two months ago).