HTC recently rolled out Android 4.2.2 update for HTC One X in India, and now it's time for HTC One X+ to receive the same. HTC has officially started rolling out the Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean for HTC One X+ in India. The new update brings HTC's all new Sense 5.0 UI and few Android 4.2.2 tweaks. The update is available via OTA, and as soon as your device is ready for the update, you will be notified.
The official change log is not yet available from HTC, but the update is going to bring the following list of changes:
- Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean and Sense 5.0
- HTC BlinkFeed intergration
- New lock-screen widget
- Show battery level in status bar
- Add sleep mode option in Power settings
- Quick Setting panel: 12 default settings by new touch gesture (scroll the notification using two-finger)
- AE/AF lock feature: Lock Exposure/Focus at viewfinder screen
- Video Highlights: 30 seconds show in 12 different themes
- Music channel: Visualization with live lyrics
If you have received the update on your HTC One X+, then do let us know your review about the update below.