HTC One Mini was recently spotted on official HTC India website with coming soon tag, and it looks like HTC is also going to launch one more budget friendly smartphone in India along with HTC One Mini. Dubbed as HTC Desire 500, the smartphone is now available for pre-order from online retailer Snapdeal for Rs. 999. The pre-order amount is just the advance money, and rest of the money have to be paid after the product release.
HTC Desire 500 also comes with 8MP rear camera with LED flash, BSI sensor, built-in HTC ImageChip, F2.0 aperture and 28mm lens along with 1.6MP front facing camera. The smartphone has 3G support, 4GB internal memory with 64GB expandable using microSD card, 1,600 mAh battery and Beats Audio Integration.
HTC has also included few features of HTC One on the smartphone, like HTC Blinkfeed and HTC Video Highlights. There is no details about the price of the smartphone, but the smartphone is most likely to be priced below Rs. 20,000.