It isn't only Samsung Galaxy Note 3 which has been launched in India today, but Samsung has also launched its first smartwatch in India dubbed as Samsung Galaxy Gear. The Galaxy Gear was originally introduced in front of the world this month at IFA 2013 in Berlin, alongside Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014 Edition), which is going get launched in India sometime next month. Similar to Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy Gear will be available across India from September 25th in official Samsung India stores and all major retailers. The pre-order of Galaxy Gear is also live on few online retailers.
The smartwatch notifies users of incoming messages, such as calls, texts, emails and alerts, delivers a preview of those messages and creates the opportunity for users to accept or discreetly ignore those messages.
Talking about the specifications, the Samsung Galaxy Gear comes with a impressive 1.63-inch Super AMOLED display having resolution of 320x320p with 800MHz processor, 512MB RAM, 4GB internal memory, 315 mAh battery and 1.9MP camera with BSI sensor, Auto Focus and Sound & Shot feature.
The watch is 11.1mm thick and weighs only 73.8 grams. Gear also comes with 2 Noise Cancelling microphones, 1 built-in speaker and Bluetooth 4.0+BLE.
The Galaxy Gear will come with support for Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Marathi, Punjabi and all other major Indian languages, like Note 3. This isn't all, there will be about 70 apps available for Gear at launch including Atooma, Banjo, Glympse, eBay, Evernote, Line, MyFitnessPal, Path, Pocket, RunKeeper, Triplt, Vivino, and more.
Pre-order Links: