After sending press invites few days ago, Samsung has officially launched the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 in India today. The phablet was unveiled at an event held in New Delhi and according to Samsung, Galaxy Note 3 will be available across India starting September 25th in official Samsung India stores along with all major retailers. Currently the smartphone is available for pre-order on all major online retailers, including official Samsung India eStore, links attached below.
The new Galaxy Note 3 comes along with new S Pen stylus with increased functionality dubbed as Smart Freedom. The new S Pen brings 5 new features with it, Action Memo, Scrapbook, Screen White, S Finder and Pen Window. The phablet also comes with new multi-window application alongside new S Note and Easy Clip feature, click here to know more about these features.
The Galaxy Note 3 specifications criteria include a 5.7-inch Full HD Super AMOLED display, 1.9GHz Octa Core processor (Cortex A15 1.9GHz + Cortex A7 1.3GHz), Android 4.3 Jelly Bean with TouchWiz Nature UX 2.0 on top of it and 3GB RAM. The Galaxy Note 3 comes pre-loaded with support for 11 regional Indian languages including Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya and Assamese.
Other specifications include, 13MP Auto Focus rear camera with BSI Sensor, Smart Stabilization and LED Flash (High CRI) along with 2MP front facing camera with BSI Sensor and Smart Stabilization. The Galaxy Note 3 also comes with 32GB internal storage with 64GB expandable memory using microSD card and 3,200 mAh battery. The phablet is 8.3mm thick and weighs 168 grams.
In addition, Samsung has partnered with Vodafone to provide 2GB of free 3G/2G data to Note 3 buyers for two months. According to Samsung, those who will be buy Note 3 will get range of free applications from a special zone called Content Gifts within Samsung apps starting from October 1st. Some of the applications which will be available on Content Gifts are, NY Times, Bloomberg Businessweek, Bitcasa, Oxford Dictionary and Angry Birds Star Wars 2.
Pre-order Links: